4 Ways to Help California Wildfire Victims and Heroes


Donate Money

All money donated to Cal Fire Foundation S.A.V.E. (Supplying Aid to Victims of Emergency), a branch of the Cal Fire Foundation, is immediately distributing to those victims who need it the most. S.A.V.E. consolidates monetary donations into $250 gift cards, and Cal Fire coordinates with local fire departments to distribute them to families who require disaster relief.


Donate Food

All food donations should be made to local food banks. Firefighters need to focus their efforts and resources towards fighting the fires, and many fire departments are not capable of refrigerating, storing, and distributing large quantities of food items. Please volunteer time or donate goods at your local food bank.

House a Victim or Relief Worker

There are multiple ways to provide much-needed shelter for displaced victims and responders. You can donate money to the American Red Cross or offer free boarding in your home for victims and volunteer aid workers in need of temporary housing. Check the popular home/vacation rental service websites for disaster relief host programs.

Adopt or Foster a Pet

My brother, Duncan, evacuating Lady Cluck during the Thomas Fire.

My brother, Duncan, evacuating Lady Cluck during the Thomas Fire.

Many pets and animals are displaced during fires. Adopting a stray, donating to animal sanctuaries, or volunteering at a local animal shelter are excellent ways to help save our furry friends during times of disaster.